My name is Pattama but you can call me Aoy. Born on 31/08/1990 and currently 19 years old. I don't really care what others think about me because I am for who I really am ♥.
title: Fun time Yesterday I went to watch "WANTED" with Nanthini, Yao dong and Jian wen. This movie is damn damn nice and totally cool! Curve the bullet, haha. Angelina Jolie was so hot and beautiful even though she is getting older but she still really pretty! No wonder why Brad Pit went after her^^. But how sad, She died at the end of the movie T^T. Too bad, Shila, Idros and Emma never comes = =...
![]() ![]() ![]() After a movie we went to eat something...Only me and Yao dong who is eating. I went to Nanthini's house when we separated at the interchange. I went to her house to dance! haha. It's been a long time since we danced together. But I already sensed the day before that somehow I'll get to dance with Nanthini, haha! So we danced, it was very fun though^^. We sweat like hell but yea, exercise is good for health, haha! Love you so much! Nijang is LOVE *heart heart* I went to see lilijang after that... He had a macth yesterday and he won! Although he never score... but CONGRATULATION!!!! haha. I think I walked him home.. He seemed to be very tired and so I am but we still walked = = sigh... But it was good, we talked a lot or may be I was the one who spoke and he just listened and responed with ' yea ' haha... I love you ^^ I don't want to go for tuition!!!! Hate it!!!! I mean I'm lazy ....= = Today after a bad day of tuition I met this guy on the bus... He was disabled and couldn't walk properly. I gave him a glance and smiled at him. He came to sit beside me but I didn't pay much attention on him... After reaching his stop I looked up to him again and smiled at him when he was at the bus door. He gave me a big smile and waved at me and said 'BYE' so loud!!! I waved back to him.. After he left I realised something important... I mean I should be good to everyone. How lucky I am already to born in such a good condition and be able to do everything. Compare to them I am nothing... They need to face so many difficulties and hard time... He made felt so good till I cry!!!! Thank you... I will express my love to everyone who needs it... The world will become more beautiful^^... |
title: Things around First, I want to say....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DOMINIC!!! I wish him happiness, be healthy, be cheerful and smile always!!! ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Things around me just seem to be very complicated and bad... When I have an expectation on something, that things will turn out the other way round = =. It's a cycle of life, my master said that. I believe it too but it seems too much.. Or I think too much?? I heard Shila cried today... When I heard that my heart dropped till my feet ^^" (over reaction?). I mean I just want Shila to keep on going. Take comments and reflect on yourself. Do not be scared and learn from your mistake. Work hard and prove that you can do it... That's the key of success and victory!!! Since I was slacking and playing like no tomorrow, I just realised I have to do some works and revision for myself. What is Miss Alex and Madam Foo told is totally correct. I don't have much time left to waste now. I know that best but why am I still being like this?! Get to yourself!!!! Aoy be good!!! *slap slap* I already solved one of my problem now it's another one... Challege is always on its way, I hope I will be able to handle it^^". Friends will always be friends and I won't forget you of course!!! How could I forget such a good friend like you!!!! Thanks for being so direct and now I know what I have to do and I know what I really want...^^ 2nis are always <3! Finally I have such a courage and you just seems like thrown it in front of me, although you didn't do it on purpose.. It's not a big deal, really. But It kinda sad and disappointed.. May be beacause our thinkings and beliefs are different, that's why... I don't mind but don't do it too often, I won't be able to bring my courage up in a while. And you might be disappointed as well...^^ It seems like I have wrote so much of nonsense things! But to me it's not^^. iLI is love as always... |
title: School - Friends Wah!!! Finally I'm at Singapore!!! Sunday I was still in Thailand... It just like a dream! Sigh.. I miss Thailand now. Anyway, let's stop about Thailand.. I'm so touched when I reached Singapore. The time I on the phone the message came in right away and it was Jian Wen! Welcome me back, then I was like "Wah! Thanks for thinking of me!" There are many people welcome me back here like Faris also knew that I was already back to Singapore and he welcome me back on msn. It just surprised me ^^.
Sunday - after came back home, I went out again with Prang and Jeff. We went to eat and shop. We was walking around to find a present for Potae. Jeff and I have the same idea, that's a belt. We went to so many places to find one belt and agreed on Levi's. We bought it, if I'm not wrong it's about $47 after discount from Singapore sale. Yesterday - ninijang cancelled our meeting because she had a class at 10 instead of ending at 10 (so I woke up early for nothing... = =") Thus, I just went out to meet lilijang at 3 and we watched movie at 350... "The Happening", what kind of movie is that!!!?? The wind just blow then after that the time will be like stopping then people will walk backwards, repeat whatever they say again and kill themselves!? OMG!!! There are no solution at all! "Why are we watching that movie?", that's the question keep asking lilijang... I mean it doesn't make any sense like it says people are killing themselves because of the toxic in the air and when the wind blow the people will absorb it and kill themselves and the Dr said it was a warning?? = =" I just don't get this movie... I never see the trailer, that's why I don't know... Pity to myself T^T. Today - I went to school late. It's the 1st day of this week of school's remedial and I woke up early and then I couldn't catch the bus and the MRT was so crowded!!!! Why are there so many people in Singapore now!? I was waiting like half an hour to get into the train. The train passed me like 3 times before I got in the fourth one = =" ... Bad day. But I was just happy that the teacher didn't swear at me eg. Madam Foo. She just smiled at me (is it a good or bad sign?) and taught us maths. I was surprised though, haha. Me, Jian Wen and Shila went to watch Kungfu Panda after school. It was awesome!!!! The Panda was just too damn cute ( just like Jian Wen, oops!)!!! Shila and I just keep nagging and kidding to Jian Wen about the Panda story, haha. It was fun to disturb people though^^. ![]() I don't take photo lately but I want to edit the photo and put in the blog so much = =".... I don't know what you think... You seem so mysterious and I just didn't get you sometimes... It's fine with me everything, I don't mind if this will happen... Still love iLI as always |
title: Revenge It's not like I'm bad but I have my limit. You think who you are? You can did that to me??!! YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG!!! I'm not a toy or whatever thing you think I am! I'm a person, a human, a girl who has her own feelings and rights! So now, you really pissed me off! So you said you love me, so you said you miss me, so you said you are happy for me that I've got a new boyfriend, so you hugged me, so you kissed me, so you cried for me, so you think I agreed that I love you too, so that I will break up with iLI then go back to you!!!?? You are MT FCK BITCH!!!!! I am very very disappointed with you! You know what?! Even though I break up with iLI, I still won't go back to you! You are really really really a devil, moron, bitch, baby and coward!!!! I couldn't imagine how did I love you so much last time. I had cried enough for you!!! REALLY ENOUGH!!! Thus, my acting skill is good huh? I can be a drama queen right? I KNOW I'M GOOD SO GET YOUR ASS OFF FROM ME!!! Whatever you've done to me is really meaningless now, even if it's on purpose or not. I won't see you as a good person anymore! WE ARE OVER NOW!!! I hate a person who won't listen to me. Using power over me because you are a boy or someone higher than me. I will tell you now that I can be worse than you ever think! So stay away and don't get the F... with me! You will be in grave danger... I still love iLI, don't worry... I love you and don't be this type of person, I will be damn disappointed! I trust you so don't let me down ok? ^^ ![]() |