My name is Pattama but you can call me Aoy. Born on 31/08/1990 and currently 19 years old. I don't really care what others think about me because I am for who I really am ♥.
title: F1 fever I didn't go to school today.. Of course from the F1 fever ( same to Shila)... How I wish I could see the race at there but I have no ticket = =".. At least I wanna see HAM!!!! *slap slap* Aoy wakes up!!!! Don't think about that anymore! Shame to myself, sigh....
I had tuition just now. Pheww!! He told that I caught up!!! Woo Hooo! Of course I did, was staying up whole day for studying! No regrets for now but do not know about the next day. My laziness might just pop up and control me not to do anything again! Hope that day will be after O' levels!!! ![]() Daddy and mommy is coming on 3rd Oct... YEAH!!!! He said he would come to celebrate my sis's birthday... I am jealous a bit >_<" sigh.... But never mind, it's alright, I will damn happy already as long as you both come^^. |
title: F1 OMG!!!! The sound of car racing is the best!!! I want a ticket!!! I wanna see HAM.. really... Since the dream ast night, I found out who he is.. I never imagine that I will drown to him this bad ^^".. I believe my soul has travelled with you. It seems
How can I have such a dream and I didn't even know who he is at the 1st place... He is so charming outside and inside my dream. I guess he is a gentleman^^... hehe Just fond for him... *melting* HAM, do your best!! I support you!! You are an amazing racer!!! I know it best!!! |
title: my beloved friend I believe that no one is perfect... Everyone makes mistake and what is done cannot be changed...
It's not like it's going to happen if you fail your exam or lost your money and everything... You still have you, yourself, which the most important thing you have to remember. You have to believe in yourself. Even though you have done something really wrong or you really have no more strength to move, prove to yourself that I won't die because of this. There are people who are still waiting for you.. There are still people who care for you... There are many people who love you... There is god who will lead your way... Sometimes you might think you did something really bad and those good feelings won't come back, of course it won't... When something is damaged, it can be repaired but it won't be the same anymore. However, you can build a new one that even better than the damaged one... You can build in anyway you want it to be, it up to you and the only you.. And don't forget how the old thing got damaged and don't repeat the same mistake again... The power is in your hand. The matter is you want to do or don't want to... That's all.. Boys won't be able to understand girls.. They are less sensitive compared to girls. Emotional and unpredictable, girls are like that.. But it depends on the characteristics of the person. I dont' mean that all the girls and like that and guys are like this but usually yes.. ( I also sometimes ^^") That's why boys are so opened and senseless and make girls tell them or scold them... Actually there are nothing inside thier minds.. Sometimes they speak without thinking or they do because they do not know what to do anymore... And boys can't resist not to have girls in the world, believe me?? hahahah ( Thai's comedian said that^^) Thinking too much can cause a migraine to your precious head. I had it a lot since I came to singapore.. = =" (too stress!!) haha So yea don't think too much... Every problem has its own solution so think slowly and you will find the way out ya^^! You may think that you would be alone in the heavy mist in the place you don't know...Please remember that I'm here... For you... I'm always there inside your heart...Not just me but god as well! No matter how scary it would be, you will be fine because you are not alone. Your beautiful soul will fight within you if you have faith in yourself.. ( I don't know if this is correct?) So yea don't give up and be thick face hahaha!!!!! ![]() P.S. I love you (Cheyyy movie's name!) I really do^^! Don't be so down,ok? I know you will be alright... Let's work hard for this stupid Os together! Hang in there, partner!! |
title: Guilty Arghhhhh!!!! I'm so pressurized!!!! Disappointing myself and him at the same time.. What a person I am?! I shouldn't be like this!! Where is all my energy!? I need towork hard and be good.. I'm so sorry, you made me feel so guilty today T^T... But it's true that I don't know a lot of things you said.. *sobbing*
I know what I should do but I still so slack!! Arghh!!! What to do!? I'm such a lazy girl in this world!!! I wish I could have half of my mum's power! Sigh... I will work harder and watch out!!! My victory will come back!!! |
title: Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday To Me!!!!
Finally I'm 18!!! How sad.. T^T I become older by one year sigh.. My size and my age is imbalance!!!!! Hahaha nevermind, forget it! I really enjoyed my birthday party(sort of)... They came to surpirse me!!! I was shocked though. I didn't espect lots of people to come hahha! Anyway, I recieved the cake same as last year^^"... However, it's nice to me though my sister and few other don't like it. I apprecite everyone who come to my house and your presents and your wishes for me! Thank you so much! You all made my day!!!! ![]() ![]() 1. Bear in the plastic - Anna 2. Lamp - Lilijang 3. Doraemon doll - Huiching, Dominic, Yaodong, Hardiana, Momojang 4. Earings - Idros 5. Earphone - Potae, Park, Bank 6. Ice tray - Prang, Dephanie, Shila 7. White dog doll - Nanthini 8. Bracelet - Amp Not in picture 9. Mirror - Mind 10. Doraemon key chain - Huiching --------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope that my food satisfied you all a bit 'cause I was really rush through things and didn't really care much about the taste of the food.. Sorry if it's too sour or spicy^^" ( didn't mean to)! Really love you guys!!!! This is my sweetest birthday I ever had! haha! Thank you once again all!!! |