My name is Pattama but you can call me Aoy. Born on 31/08/1990 and currently 19 years old. I don't really care what others think about me because I am for who I really am ♥.
title: Who the fucking hell are you?! I'm at my limits! What the hell is going on?! Was it my fault that your girlfriend pull a fight with you!? It's not at all! Oh come on!!!! How old are you already? You can't think about it by yourself then why put the blame on other people!?
The story is that yesterday was my classmate's birthday,El ,so we asked everybody to come including L. Everybody went of course and then in the end of the night he was drunk like he couldn't even stand by himself.. Why burden others? Anyway, after that Slly sent L. back home and I think L. got a big fight with his girlfriend........Today, in class, he was saying that because of me asked him to go to the party so that he has a fight with his girlfriend. And I was like it's not me who ask you go. And he was like you asked me to go yesterday, I told him it was El that asked him and he said that I don't have a responsibility to what I said to him. OK FINE!!! I asked you to go and everybody as well!!!!! I don't asked you only one person and you know that and after I got angry you said that everyone asked you? FUCK IT!!!! What are you trying to do here? It's sooooo got on to my nerves... If you know that you can't go because your girlfriend will bomb at you, why you still go? Why don't you refuse to us? You said it's because it's El's birthday and so you went there so why complaint??? I'm sick of it man!!!!! I don't want to know all about your fucking private life! Why bother to tell me? The problem is not me or others but it's you!!! it's only you, yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!! Last time you already left me at the club all alone! Alone!!! By myself!!!!! Are you fucking nuts?! How can you left me out just like that!? I'm a girl!!! I'm not a powerful super woman who can kill a giant who may possibly drag me down to somewhere! And I already forgave you for that piece of shit already and now you come up with another completelt bullshit again! Why do you like to give me a hard time so much? Did I do anything to you? Did I hurt you one bit? This is too much for me... Why don't you just complain to El as well? I know Slly has a hard time yesterday..... Feel pity to him but yea.. L, you told me that people are like a book to you but how about yourself? Did you study all about yourself already? Who the fucking hell are you to speak with me like that? I'm trying to be nice and you totally ignore it. I don't want to be mean but you want it, do you? I will give you some... And so you know that don't play with this girl. |